Is depression related to elevated electromagnetic fields exposure?

What you should know about the invisible factor which contributes to the worsening of depressive symptoms. Why should you reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cordless phones, wi-fi modems, electricity cables, cell phone masts etc.


  • Chronic exposure to low frequency radiation (from power cables, transformers etc) causes dysfunction of the pineal gland, reduces the normal production of melatonin and serotonin (hormone essential for controlling mood) and can contribute to the onset or worsening of depressive symptoms (Wilson [i]).
  • Research in the population living near power lines has documented elevated psychological and psychiatric symptoms (Beale [ii], Zyss [iii], [iv]), depression cases (Perry [v], Poole [vi] - 3-fold increase, Verkasalo [vii] - 5-fold increase), suicide incidents (Reichmanis [viii])
  • Long exposure to high frequency radiation (from antennas etc) causes decrease in levels 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) precursor of serotonin associated with increased anxiety and depression (Wang [ix]).
  • Insomnia and depression recorded in the population living near tv broadcasting antennas [x]
  • At least five epidemiological studies have shown that proximity to cell phone towers causes an increase of depression, headaches, insomnia, inability to concentrate, irritability, abnormal vision and memory, decreased libido and exhaustion (Santini [xi], Navarro [xii], Blanz [xiii] Bortkiewicz [xiv], Abdel-Rassoul [xv])
  • 22 suicide incidents in South Wales were related with the proximity of victims to cell phone masts. According to Dr. Roger Coghill, member of the Advisory Committee wireless radiation in Great Britain [xvi]:“There is a body of research that has over the years pointed to the fact that exposure to mobile radiation can lead to depression. There is evidence of higher suicide rates where people live near any electrical equipment that gives off radio or electrical waves (…) What seems to be happening is that the electrical energy is having an effect on the chemistry of the brain, depleting serotonin levels.”
  • Using a mobile phone before bedtime, delays and reduces the duration of deep sleep (REM), according to a recent study funded by mobile phone companies [xvii]. The inability to completely relax is considered to significantly affect the mood.
  • The increased use of information and communication technologies (mobile phones, computers, wireless modems, etc.) is related to an increase in symptoms of depression, insomnia and stress among young people [xviii], and the spread of "Digital Depression "in modern workplaces [xix]
  • Panic attacks have been reported in areas where there is strong illumination from fluorescent lamps [xx]

How to reduce your daily exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation?



[II] Beale IL, Pearce NE, Conroy DM, Henning MA, Murrell KA., Psychological Effects of Chronic Exposure to 50 Hz magnetic Fields in Humans Living near Extra-high-voltage Transmission Lines, Bioelectromagnetics 1997? 18 (eight): 584 -94

[III] Zyss T, Dobrowolski JW, K. Krawczyk, Neurotic disturbances, depression and anxiety Disorders in The Population Living in The Vicinity of overhead high-voltage line 400 kV Transmission. Epidemiological pilot study, Med Pr 1997; 48 (5): 495-50

[IV] Zyss T., Epidemiological Studies on Neurotic disturbances, anxiety and depression Disorders in Population A Living near an overhead high voltage Transmission line (400 kV), Psychiatr Pol 1999 Jul-Aug? 33 (four): five hundred thirty-five to fifty-one

[V] S Perry, Pearl L, R. Binns, Power frequency magnetic Field? depressive illness and myocardial infarction. Public Health 1989 May; 103 (3): 177-80

[VI] Poole C, Kavet R, Funch DP, Donelan K, JM Charry, Dreyer NA., depressive Symptoms and headaches in Relation to Proximity of Residence to an alternating-current line Transmission Right-of-passing., Am J Epidemiol 1993 Feb 1; 137 (3): 318-30

[VII] Verkasalo PK, Kaprio J, J Varjonen, Romanov K, K Heikkila, Koskenvuo M., Magnetic Fields of Transmission Lines and depression, Am J Epidemiol 1997 Dec fifteen? 146 (on the 12th): 1037 to 1045

[VIII] Reichmanis M, Perry FS, Marino AA, Becker RO., Relation Between Suicide and The Electromagnetic Field of overhead Power Lines, Physiol Chem Phys 1979? 11 (5): 395-403

[IX] Wang SG. (1989) "5-HT contents change in peripheral blood of workers exposed to microwave and high frequency radiation." Zhong hua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. Jul; 23 (4): 207-10.

[X] Ekkehardt-Altpeter Siegfried, Markus Battaglia, Dominik Pflüger, Christoph E. Minder, Theodor Abelin, Effect of Short-Wave (6 ^ 22 MHz) Magnetic Fields on Sleep Quality and Melatonin Cycle in Humans: The Schwarzenburg Shut-Down Study , Bioelectromagnetics 27: 142 ^ 150 (2006)

[XI] Santini R et al, (July 2002) Investigation on The Health of People Living near Mobile telephone Relay stations: I / Incidence according to Distance and Sex, Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002 Jul? 50 (on the 6th): 369-73

[XII] Navarro EA et al, (December 2003) The Microwave Syndrome: A Preliminary Study in Spain, on the 22nd Electromagn Biol Med (2 to 3): 161-169

[XIII] Dr Anna Blanz, Markus Kern., Hans-C. Scheiner, Kempton West study (2007)

[XIV] Bortkiewicz A et al, (2004) subjective Symptoms Reported by People Living in The Vicinity of Cellular phone Base stations: Review, Med Pr. 2004; 55 (4): 345-51

[XV] Abdel-Rassoul G et al, (March 2007) Neurobehavioral Effects Among inhabitants Around Mobile phone Base stations, Neurotoxicology. 2007 Mar; 28 (2): 434-40


[XVII] The Independent, Mobile phone Radiation wrecks your Sleep [XVIII] Thomee S, L Dellve, Harenstam A, Hagberg M., Perceived connections Between information and Communication Technology Use and Mental Symptoms Among Young adults - A Qualitative Study. BMC Public Health. 2010 Feb 12; 10: 66.

[XIX] 'Digital depression' Identified as new form of stress,

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